Showcase your Vimeo videos on your website pages with ease using Vimeo Feed.
If you're a filmmaker, artist, or another creative professional, Vimeo Feed can be a great way to showcase your work. Visitors can easily check out your videos and get a sense of your style and skills, which can help you attract new clients or collaborators.
Vimeo Feed allows you to customize the appearance and layout of your feed, so you can match it to the overall look and feel of your website. This not only makes your site more attractive, but also makes it easier for visitors to find and watch your videos.
When your widget is ready, click on the Embed button. The code you see is ready to be added to the code of your page. Place it where you want to see your Vimeo Feed and save to see the result.
Yes, see our plans on this page:
The link to our service will be added to your page. You will be able to prolong your subscription when you want to.
Contact us at [email protected]
You can remove the added code, and the widget will not be seen. Also, you can remove all added copies of your widget. Go to the Data tab to find the Remove widget button. Be careful, this action cannot be undone.
Yes, just use the same code to embed your widget.
With Vimeo Feed from Electricblaze it's super easy.